- Address safety issues.
- Repair stucco inside vestibules
- Outdoor/Indoor painting
Stewardship - Fund Raising (Grace O’Connor)
- More involvement by members.
- More support through attendance.
- Suggestion box.
Stewardship - Finance (Ed Nuttal)
- Keep congregation informed of expenses and income.
- Inform congregation of work of Committee.
- Develop and implement fall Stewardship Drive.
Worship (Elaine Paul)
- Move choir rehearsals out of church.
- Continue to experiment with music.
- Raise money to move pipe organ and choir to loft.
Evangelism (Mary Lou Malone)
- Re-evaluate advertising and signage.
- Name Tags for Vestry, ushers and greeters.
- New resident's outreach.
- Develop ushers and greeters ministry.
Christian Education (Mary DeJohn)
- Bible study (church and home).
- Raise money for Youth programs (community outreach).
- Vacation bible school.
Pastoral Care (Evie Brown)
- Continue existing ministry.
- Update congregation.
- Tape sermons for homebound.
Service (Linda Aho)
- Interfaith Health and Services.
- Community dinner / Angel Food Ministries (hunger issues).
- Family Promise - Atlantic City Shelter (homelessness issues).
Congregational Development (Jim Robbins)
- Pictorial Directory.
- Revitalize men's group.
- Encourage more expansive peace passing and invite all baptized to communion.
- Information boards by entrances.
Vicar (The Rev. Terry Martin)
- Home Groups.
- Home Visits - Five (5) per week.
- Web Site.