Sunday, December 02, 2007

A Very Special Event at St. Mary's Abbey, Delbarton

Here’s a letter we received for an upcoming event:

This is a “save the date” notice for a lecture which will be held in the Fine Arts Center of St. Mary’s Abbey/Delbarton in December, 2007. St. Mary’s Abbey/Delbarton is located three miles west of Morristown Square on Route 124; and the Fine Arts Center can be found on the great lawn on the School Property. This public lecture is part of the sesquicentennial celebration of the New Jersey Benedictines in 2007-2008. You are welcome to be the guests of St. Mary’s Abbey/Delbarton for this event.

Monday evening, Dec.10, 2007– 7:30 pm, a public lecture by Bishop Frank Griswold. Bishop Frank Griswold is the former Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church in the United States. A theologian and an authority on monasticism, Bishop Griswold is an oblate of Mt. Savior Priory in Elmira, NY. He will speak about the education if St. Benedict as discerned from the Dialogues of St. Gregory and how we can employ in our contemporary teaching what we can learn from St. Benedict’s education. A reception for Bishop Griswold will be held at 6:30 pm in the Fine Arts Center as well as after his lecture.

Also on display in the foyer of the Fine Arts Center for those who attend Bishop Griswold’s public lecture will be a generous sampling of images from the traveling exhibit of the St. John’s Bible from the monks of St. John's Abbey, Collegeville, MN.

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