Saturday, March 22, 2008

Preparing for Holy Week

This will be a variation of the tradition of Lectio Divina. The variation is very similar to the African/Lambeth Bible Study; I'll introduce a new passage from scripture each day.

We will begin in silence, quieting our minds and our hearts, using centering prayer methods, breathing exercises, the Jesus Prayer, or whatever else helps us become silent, empty, and open to God.

We'll then engage the text, preferably reading it aloud to ourselves, listening for a word or phrase that seems to speak to us at that moment.

We then re-enter the silence, meditating on the word or phrase we have heard, and noting the thoughts or images that it brings forth.

We read the passage a second time, now listening for what God might be saying or showing us in this passage. This is not a time for intellectual pondering, but listening with the heart. How does this passage touch your daily life?

We read the passage a third time, listening for what God might be calling us to do in light of this time of reflection and meditation.

And finally, we return to the silence, resting in God's presence.

I realize that this kind of thing is not for everyone. But even if it seems a bit too "touchy feely" for you, I encourage you to use this as an opportunity to "be still and know that I am God."

Those of you who will be participating are encouraged to share your thoughts and reflections, what you "heard," in the comments.

The Rev. Terry Martin,

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