Wednesday, May 07, 2008

More Free Food!

Here’s some fabulous news! Our community dinners provide a gathering place for approximately 65 people a month! Whether they come for the free meal or they come for the socializing, we succeed in fulfilling one of our stated mission goals. We are “building community.” Not only that, but we inspire others in our community to reach out also. First Presbyterian Church, our neighbor on Main Street, holds its inaugural free community dinner on the second Wednesday of this month, May 14, at 6 pm. Call them at 296-8894 for more information.

Meanwhile, back at our ranch, we continue to showcase some wonderfully creative cuisine cooked up by our own chefs. Scheduled at the stove:
May– Joyce Ott, spaghetti & meatballs;
June– The Tews, an indoor picnic;
July– Marlene Johnson, lasagna.

Show off your skills soon! Call!!

Pentecost and Mary White

“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” Acts 2:1-4

Try to put yourself in with the apostles. It has been fifty days since Jesus rose from the dead, ten days since “he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.” Acts1:9. They still must be reeling from so many strange happenings, so far from everyday life, beyond anything they could imagine. They remain men wanted by the authorities, and one of their own “family” had turned in their leader– for money, for principle, it hardly mattered which. How confused they must feel! How cut adrift from all they know!

And yet they stay hopeful. They select potential replacements for Judas, narrowing down the field until 2 equally strong candidates remain. They “cast lots” to resolve the deadlock, and thus Matthias becomes an apostle.

But still they gather together behind closed doors, on the second floor of a building that tradition says is the same one that they shared their last meal with their friend, mourning their loss and deciding what their next step should be. About 120 followers of Jesus are there, gathered for the Jewish festival of Shavuot, commemorating the day Moses received the Torah, or written law, from God while he was on Mt. Sinai. Pilgrims from around the known world visit Jerusalem for the feast also, so hearing the foreign languages could be expected. But not expected is hearing their friends speak so the out-of-town guests could understand them! Equipped with such a tool, they fan out to all corners of the world to spread the news of these miracles!

Centuries later, in a country on a continent not dreamed of when the apostles spread their news, a widow decided to share that Good News with others in her community. Growing up in Philadelphia, she had access to beautiful, historical Episcopal churches. For example, St. Peter’s at 3rd and Pine was built in 1761, and the nation’s founders worshipped there. Mary White was unable to provide such a setting as the elegant churches of her hometown, but she opened the doors of her home at 127 Wood Street. The first Episcopal church service in Tuckerton was celebrated in her front parlor in 1947. Some current members of our church attended services in her home. Holy Innocents Church in Beach Haven loaned us a priest, The Rev. Russell Clapp, and he officiated at the services until November 1952.

Tragically, Mary White’s home caught fire on December 2, 1952. Burned extensively, she died that day in Paul Kimball Hospital in Lakewood. Neighbors buried Mrs. White in Tuckerton. Mary White was survived by a brother, but we know of no other family members.

Evie Brown told The Rt. Rev. Sylvestre Romero the story of our roots during his visit in October. He remarked that Mrs. White should be honored somewhere in our church. And so a quest began.

Join us on Sunday May 11 as we dedicate our library in her honor. We will rename it “The Mary White Library.” Evie will lead us after the service to the cemetery where Mrs. White is buried. There we can say some private prayers to honor the woman who brought us together.

New Support Group Meeting at Holy Spirit

Are you a grandparent? Are you a grandparent raising your grandchildren? As we mentioned last month, The Center for Healing and Wholeness, sponsored by the First United Methodist Church of Tuckerton, will offer a support group facilitated by our own Anna Tews in our own Mary White Library beginning on June 3.

The brochure explains:
Many grandparents are still struggling with the parenting role, whether with their children, grandchildren, or both. Keeping with that, our group will discuss some common issues. The meeting will offer each of us the chance to share our knowledge, hopes and strengths. Together, we will decide what areas of concern we would like to explore. We will have guest speakers and activities. Please join us as we focus on such topics as:
  • when marriages fail
  • sense of loss due to the inability to visit your grandchild
  • changes in your social life due to raising a grandchild
  • long-distance grandparenting
  • step-grandparenting
  • care and wellbeing of the grandparent as parent
  • real issues in raising grandchildren
  • tensions between parent and grandparent

The purpose of this support group is to provide a safe environment where individuals receive support, guidance, and validation.

This support group meets the first and third Tuesday of each month, starting June 3, 2008, from 10:00 am until 11:30 am. To register, please call (609)296-8300. Walk-ins are welcome!

The support group is free of charge. Donations are always appreciated to assist with the cost of materials.

Anna tells us that she is excited to start this new service project. Holding the meetings in our Library, with our nursery across the hall, is a major help for the attendees even though babysitting is not provided.

Ernie Tews says that he’s just glad she will get the chance to use her degree in psychology!

Get Away From Everyday by Penny Hughes

ESCAPE!! If only for an evening. Come to International Night and savor the dishes of the Mediterranean and the Continent. Experience a culinary adventure, camaraderie and entertainment as the Holy Spirit undercroft transforms into a European bistro on Saturday, June 21st. Tickets go on sale soon!

Invite all your friends and family, or just come solo. We’ll seat you family-style with some new friends! The tickets are only $17. Bon appétit!

Do you have a favorite cookie recipe from the homeland? Please see Penny Hughes, Ernie or Anna Tews. We would love to showcase your creations!

We’ll Have a Hot Time in the Old Town in June

Do you have a fire extinguisher in your home, or near your kitchen? Do you know how to use it? Have you ever practiced using it?

Have you ever seen the extinguishers in our church? We have ten, five on each floor. Can you find them? Can you use them?

Ernie Tews and our expert Building & Grounds Committee, in conjunction with the Tuckerton Fire department, are setting up a Training Saturday in June that could save your life. The free session will be held in our parking lot and teach you how to use the devices, in our church and especially in our kitchen( and yours!). Many of the other churches in the Tuckerton area will participate with us in this effort. More details about the training session will follow in the next newsletter. Meanwhile, look for the extinguishers in our church!!