Saturday, June 28, 2008

Vestry Committee Goals, 2008

Stewardship - Buildings and Grounds (Ernie Tews)
  • Address safety issues.
  • Repair stucco inside vestibules
  • Outdoor/Indoor painting

Stewardship - Fund Raising (Grace O’Connor)
  • More involvement by members.
  • More support through attendance.
  • Suggestion box.

Stewardship - Finance (Ed Nuttal)
  • Keep congregation informed of expenses and income.
  • Inform congregation of work of Committee.
  • Develop and implement fall Stewardship Drive.

Worship (Elaine Paul)
  • Move choir rehearsals out of church.
  • Continue to experiment with music.
  • Raise money to move pipe organ and choir to loft.

Evangelism (Mary Lou Malone)
  • Re-evaluate advertising and signage.
  • Name Tags for Vestry, ushers and greeters.
  • New resident's outreach.
  • Develop ushers and greeters ministry.

Christian Education (Mary DeJohn)
  • Bible study (church and home).
  • Raise money for Youth programs (community outreach).
  • Vacation bible school.

Pastoral Care (Evie Brown)
  • Continue existing ministry.
  • Update congregation.
  • Tape sermons for homebound.

Service (Linda Aho)
  • Interfaith Health and Services.
  • Community dinner / Angel Food Ministries (hunger issues).
  • Family Promise - Atlantic City Shelter (homelessness issues).

Congregational Development (Jim Robbins)
  • Pictorial Directory.
  • Revitalize men's group.
  • Encourage more expansive peace passing and invite all baptized to communion.
  • Information boards by entrances.

Vicar (The Rev. Terry Martin)
  • Home Groups.
  • Home Visits - Five (5) per week.
  • Web Site.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Notes from the ECW by Eileen Minett

As you know, we held our May meeting at Calloway’s in Eagleswood. We enjoyed a friendly luncheon beforehand – and didn’t need to cook or wash dishes!

We had a good turn-out. Fourteen ladies came, and I chaired the meeting in the absence of President Rita Lanorith (feel better soon, Jack. Our prayers are with you).

Our June meeting will be an evening one on Wednesday the 11th, with a potluck supper followed by “Crazy Bingo.” We start at 6 pm, and ask you to bring a dish to share with 6 others. We have a sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall. We also need each person to bring three $1.00 gifts for use as prizes. We’ll have fun and make lots of noise. Remember, the sun stays up much later in June, so take advantage of it!

Our June card party will be Thursday, June 26 from noon until 4 pm. Sweets and fun: deal me in!

Fundraiser for Coach Vic Moore

A friend of mine, Ann Corso, asked me to please pass along the following message. If you are unable to attend or contribute, please keep Vic and his family in your prayers:
“I’m a representative of the Friends of Coach Vic Moore Committee. He is an extremely dedicated man who has donated an untold amount of time to the children of LEHT for the past 25 years. He is suffering from inoperable pancreatic cancer. We are having a spaghetti and meatball dinner on June 8th at the LEH Community Center, 317 W. Calabreeze Way, from 3 to 9 pm. We are in need of support from the community with attendance at the dinner, donations of money, prizes for a Chinese auction, and sponsors. Tickets may be purchased for $20 adults, $10 children 12 & under, 5 & under free. Call Tina@ 713-1754 or Pat @ 296-8126. You can also buy tickets at the Pinelands Athletic Department or the St. Theresa’s Church Office. Tickets at the door are $25 and $15. Thank you.”

The Magnetic Church, Part 1

You heard us announce it from the altar. You read about it here. Now you can begin to share in the knowledge that we gained during our trips to Trenton last month.

A dedicated group of us – Vicar’s Secretary Eileen Minett, Vestry members Jim Robbins, Evie Brown, Ed Nuttall and myself, in addition to Father Terry – traveled up Rt. 539 to the cathedral, some of us both Friday and Saturday, in an effort to learn how to make our church more visitor friendly and welcoming to everyone. We listened as Andrew Weeks discussed steps that we can take to help the unchurched discover a home with Christ, and then with us. We examined our communications such as this newsletter, for instance, and learned how to be more inclusive and accessible. Some points should have been obvious but weren’t, for we took them for granted. Other points needed to be brought to our attention.

I plan to run this as a continuing feature, because it is important for everyone to be aware of the reason behind any changes we consider. We need your help and feedback to be effective.

For instance, at our last Vestry meeting we spoke about our Sunday fellowship. An observation was made that we frequently gravitate to sit with friends exclusively and virtually ignore visitors. We decided to implement a suggestion to reduce the number of tables available after the services with the intention of encouraging a flow of people and conversations with new faces. The experiment resulted in a return to our original configuration as a result of popular opinion.

Now, the compromise is this: with the tables back, we need everyone to be responsible for speaking to at least one new face every week, someone with whom you don’t normally converse. Try a new seat. You may get a new view in more ways than one!


Did you ever watch the game show “Family Feud?” It pits two “family” groups of five people against each other as they try to guess answers to questions posed to them by the friendly host. Actually, they attempt to read the minds of a surveyed group of people. They gain points based on knowing the answers that a majority of people give. In the version I best remember, Richard Dawson pats the hands of the struggling contestants, calls them all “darling,’” encourages them to chance a guess, and makes faces with us as they offer a bizarre suggestion.

Now imagine that your vestry is one group of contestants. We know the questions on the survey. But how can we guess the correct answers– or those that most people choose– unless you answered your survey?

You know that you got it in the mail. Did you fill it out and send it back to us? Did you put it aside to complete later? Stop reading right now. Find it. Fill it out. Be (cont’d on pg. 2) honest. Answer all the questions. If you need more room, use another page. Get your spouse to give some input. Mail it right away (we gave you the stamped envelope!). Or bring it with you to church on Sunday and drop it into the box at the entrance to the Fellowship Hall.

We truly want to know what you think. We need to have your responses by June 8, because your vestry will meet for a full day on June 14. This will give us time to compile the answers before we discuss them.

Our annual vestry retreat gives us an opportunity to review our accomplishments during the past year. We plan our targets for the remainder of the year and beyond. Our long-range goals may extend past our individual terms of service. Thus we have a great responsibility.

So tell us what you think. Be truthful. Be specific. Offer suggestions for new classes or fundraisers or hymns. Tell us if you like something we do. Let us know if you dislike something. Tell us what you look for on the website, or if you’ve never been on it. Tell me what you want to read in this newsletter. Tell us what you want your church to be.

We promise to read your answers. We may not be able to incorporate every idea or change. We may take a long-range view and delay implementing it, even if we agree, because something else has a higher priority, or a more pressing need. We have that obligation as your leaders. But share your wisdom with us.

Give our “family unit” a chance to earn some points. That means we can all win. Just let us know, as avuncular Richard Dawson cries, what “SUR-vey SAYS!!”

An International Treat Comes to Tuckerton by Penny Hughes

ESCAPE!! If only for an evening. Come to International Night and savor the dishes of the Mediterranean and the Continent. Experience a culinary adventure, camaraderie and entertainment as the Holy Spirit Undercroft transforms into a European bistro on Saturday, June 21st. Tickets are on sale now! Invite all your friends and family, or just come solo. We’ll seat you family-style with some new friends!

For only $17, enjoy an inexpensive mini-vacation. Our menu explores the Mediterranean for hors d’ouevres: stuffed grape leaves; spanakopita (spinach and cheese pie); Moroccan olives; hummus and pita. We travel to the Continent for entrees: boeuf Bourguignon and Chicken Marengo. Desserts include international sweets such as Peach Melba, made with raspberry sauce, peaches and ice cream. Embrace your beverage selection of iced tea, coffee, hot tea, or fruit-infused water. Yum-O, as Rachel Ray would say!

The evening will feature postcard photos for the guests to take home (and post on your fridge?), art work, fun and games. Listen for the bistro-style music. Can you identify Edith Piaf? Can you recognize the costumed servers? Have fun! Bon appétit!
Do you have a favorite cookie recipe from the homeland? Would you like to share it? Please see Penny Hughes, Ernie or Anna Tews. We would love to showcase your creations on our international sweets table!

Look for Elizabeth Hill or Carol Lofton after Sunday services to purchase your passports to excitement. If you have any questions or want to volunteer for kitchen help, setting up, serving, or cleaning up, contact me (296-4221) or the Tews (296-2603). Remember, all tickets must be purchased by June15. Now, wouldn’t a gift of two tickets for a special dinner make a great Father’s Day present– better than another tie!