Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Magnetic Church, Part 1

You heard us announce it from the altar. You read about it here. Now you can begin to share in the knowledge that we gained during our trips to Trenton last month.

A dedicated group of us – Vicar’s Secretary Eileen Minett, Vestry members Jim Robbins, Evie Brown, Ed Nuttall and myself, in addition to Father Terry – traveled up Rt. 539 to the cathedral, some of us both Friday and Saturday, in an effort to learn how to make our church more visitor friendly and welcoming to everyone. We listened as Andrew Weeks discussed steps that we can take to help the unchurched discover a home with Christ, and then with us. We examined our communications such as this newsletter, for instance, and learned how to be more inclusive and accessible. Some points should have been obvious but weren’t, for we took them for granted. Other points needed to be brought to our attention.

I plan to run this as a continuing feature, because it is important for everyone to be aware of the reason behind any changes we consider. We need your help and feedback to be effective.

For instance, at our last Vestry meeting we spoke about our Sunday fellowship. An observation was made that we frequently gravitate to sit with friends exclusively and virtually ignore visitors. We decided to implement a suggestion to reduce the number of tables available after the services with the intention of encouraging a flow of people and conversations with new faces. The experiment resulted in a return to our original configuration as a result of popular opinion.

Now, the compromise is this: with the tables back, we need everyone to be responsible for speaking to at least one new face every week, someone with whom you don’t normally converse. Try a new seat. You may get a new view in more ways than one!

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