Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Episcopal Church Women at Holy Spirit

We convened our first meeting of the year on January 15 at 1:30 pm. We covered many items with our agenda:

We held our first Card & Game Party of the year on Jan. 22, and had a great, noisy time. Our next scheduled Card & Game Parties are planned for Feb. 21 and Mar. 13, both Thursdays. We start at noon in the Undercroft. Bring a dish to share for lunch and your favorite games. Plan now to join us.

All women from our parish are invited to attend the Atlantic District Meeting on Feb. 12, 2008. It will be held at St. Mark’s & All Saints in Galloway beginning at 10:30 am. I am unable to go due to a conflicting board meeting at Interfaith, and need to have our church represented. If you are interested, please contact me.

Our menu for the Invite A Friend Sunday was to be simple and filling: bagels & spreads, fruit salads, veggies & dips, pies, brownies, and other sweets for a Continental breakfast.

We hope to have a luncheon meeting at Calloway’s in Eagleswood in May. More details will follow.

Meadowview was immensely pleased with our generous gifts and party to celebrate Christmas. As I stood in the hall speaking with one of the nurses, the elevator doors opened and we saw one of the dears in her wheelchair, with one lap robe over her legs and another around her shoulders. That inspires us to alter our projects for this year. We will make bags to hang on the walkers; shawls with ties to keep them on;
small traveling pillows, both knit and made of fabric; and at Christmas– small stockings that hold plastic cutlery: knife, fork, spoon and a napkin. Some material has been purchased, but we can use more. Also, please keep your eyes open for bags of stuffing to use for the pillows. They sometimes go on sale at the local craft stores. You could also use the discount coupon and subtract it from the regular price of the bag. We were very successful this year and provided gifts for 187 residents. We would like to duplicate that success this year. People can do projects at home in their leisure hours, or join us Wednesdays from 10 am until 3 pm. Please bring a brown bag lunch. Beverages will be provided.

Once again our ECW will offer the Hulsizer Scholarship to a graduating senior at Pinelands High School. We would also like to offer an award, which is a smaller amount of money, but still valuable for a student attending college.
Many more topics will be covered in the months to come. Please plan to join us Feb. 19 and enjoy our company!

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