Sunday, November 02, 2008

A Time for Prayerful Mediatation

As we prepare for Tuesday's presidential election, it becomes very important to approach the voting booth with prayers for God to guide our choice. Join with Father Hartt and other members of our Holy Spirit family as we open our chapel downstairs at 7 pm Monday for prayer and meditation.
Almighty God, who hast given us this good land for our heritage, we humbly beseech Thee we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of Thy favor and glad to do Thy will. Bless our land with honorable industry, sound learning and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion; from pride and arrogance; and from every evil way. Defend our liberties and fashion into one united people the multitudes brought hither out of many kindreds and tongues. Endue with the spirit of wisdom those to whom in Thy Name we entrust the authority of government, that there may be justice and peace at home, and that, through obedience to Thy law, we may show forth Thy praise among the nations of the earth. In time of prosperity, fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble, suffer not our trust in
Thee to fail; all of which we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

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